Created from still photographs modified with AI, ASSILMULATION is a short film with a retro-futuristic aesthetic where we embrace the distortion and artifice inherent in these new image-making tools. The strange hybridity of real and unreal images creates a visual anxiety that’s mirrored by the rhythms and mix of natural and synthetic sounds in Joseph Sims’ original music. This film is both a creative exploration of our relationship to nature and to technology, and a personal exploration of our ambivalent feelings about the impact of AI on contemporary image-making processes. ASSIMULATION
Directors and Photographers: Les Garçons
Digi Tech: @dumas_mad
Light Assistants: @williamlanglais, @donloga
Production Designer: @leavalerie_letourneau
Stylist: @jayforest_
Hair and Makeup: @jesscohen____
Food Stylist: Claude Marguerite
Talent: @jonnykolotylo, christine.murr, @katleenchambers, Chris Robbins, Steven Godin
Original Soundtrack: @jksims_xtra
Producer: @citizen_joce
Production Coordinators: @avriltrea, @laurettemonette
Production: @leloi